Dear Parents, Thank you for your warm weather contributions! Because of your work Liz has been able to collect all of the warm clothes we need to help students. We no longer need any clothing donations. If you are looking to still donate clothing the Vancouver Sun has list of places you can try
Pizza Lunch has been such a hit that we are adding a few more. The next lunch will be Friday, February 7. Login to to book your next lunch! Thank you to the parents who were able to volunteer for 40 minutes last week. We could not have done it without you! The next PAC Meeting will be our regular meeting in February (Wednesday February 12, 6:30pm in the library). In the interim, the Exec is meeting with the School Admin to align around new budget items that will match our fundraising and priorities. If you have any questions or suggestions please contact us. Thank you, Ian Rowe Chair Lord Roberts Elementary
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